Posts Tagged Writting

Warabi mochi – realism in fiction

I confess, I have a very bad habit. I can obsess about a single trivial detail to the point that it stalls my writting. Take my current dormant LOTR fanfic. It’s stuck for years because I can’t find an original Rohirric sounding name for Eomer’s grandfather!

What does this have to do with warabi mochi? Well, it’s the beginning of how I ended making warabi mochi (at least the semi-authentic one).

It started with the story called The Adventures of Young Tezuka Kunimitsu, a Prince of Tennis fanfiction. Despite my earlier determination to stick to short stories and short time-line stories, I’ve become over ambitious. I’ve decided to write Tezuka’s childhood. Okay, so he’s still a kid. I’m looking at his pre-adolescent stage. What and how he became the 14-year-old Tezuka we are familiar with. So, I’ve limited myself to his life between ages 5 and 11. There are several reasons I did this. Read the rest of this entry »

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Are Archetypes Stereotypes?

Blame it on my Developmental Psych assignment. We were asked to pick 5 comics or jokes and identify stereotypes based on age.

Now, naturally I picked my favourites, Calvin and Hobbes, FoxTrot, XKCD and finally Prince of Tennis. Stereotypes are important and common elements in this medium because they give the reader a quick and easily accessible understanding. These mediums are short and limited in content, unlike 100+ pages great epic novel. Stereotypes allows common understanding, a sort of shorthand quick and dirty intro. Can these medium work without stereotype?
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Internal consistency

Something’s been bothering me about Tezuka’s Kyuushuu arc.

Tezuka, upon arrival in Kyuushuu, was challenged by a group of tennis players who knew about his injury and rehabilitation in Germany. These were mediocre players that were looking for easy win and bragging rights for playing against someone with Tezuka’s reputation. Read the rest of this entry »

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Still addicted to PoT

How did I get into this in the first place? I blame Inuyasha. See, Inuyasha introduced me to Narita Ken, the voice actor of Sesshoumaru. Since Inuyasha ended, I went searching for Narita Ken’s work and ended up with Gakuen Heaven and Bleach. Both featured Okiayu Ryotarou as Shinomiya Kouji (GH) and Kuchiki Byakuya (Bleach). And following Okiayu Ryotarou, I found Prince of Tennis. Not that I’ve  never heard of it before. It’s just that, with a dorky title like that and it being a sports-based anime, it didn’t pique my interest.

So, after a marathon of PoT, I ended up doing a lot of analysis on the storyline and characters. PoT is a good subject to do that since it holds certain framework, it’s interesting but not flawless. In truth, for me, the strength of the story have very little to do with Tennis. Too much character analysis, instead of weaning me off my current obsession, seems to have fuelled it further. Read the rest of this entry »

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Tragic Hero Archetype – Tezuka Kunimitsu

Tezuka lost 3 matches; against Atobe in Kantou Tournament, against Sanada in National Finals Tournament and against Echizen Ryoma in unofficial match.

Tezuka vs Atobe is one of the most moving matches in the series.  It was a battle between captains. Atobe started the match with the intention of winning it at all cost. This includes exploiting his insight into the fact that Tezuka’s, although given a clean bill of health by his doctor, had an old injury on his left arm joint. Tezuka was warned against playing long matches or use his signature Zero-shiki dropshots. Read the rest of this entry »

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